
Exercise Prescription App


Exercise Prescription App

Seamless remote
exercise management

Managing personnel exercise programs and completion rates remotely can be challenging. With TeleHab, you can assign personnel exercise programs, monitor their completion rates and review video-recorded exercises.

How TeleHab works

Thousands of exercises

TeleHab allows you to quickly search, build, save, assign and monitor your personnel exercise programs, removing some of the biggest hassles of traditional exercise prescription platforms.

  • Library of 6,000 exercises (and counting)

    Something missing? Let us know and we’ll film it and add it for you.

  • Simple drag-and-drop program builder

    No more slow, clunky exercise libraries to struggle with.

  • Powerful, flexible program scheduling

    Decide whether you want your personnel to complete their program on certain days, at certain times of day, or whenever they can.

Guide your personnel, step-up by step-up

Guide your personnel, step-up by step-up

Fast, intuitive and easy-to-use, the TeleHab app walks your personnel through their exercises, giving them refreshers and allowing them to upload videos for your review.

  • Assign programs instantly

    Assign an exercise program to your personnel and it appears in their TeleHab app immediately.

  • Easy-to-use interface

    The TeleHab app is designed for a broad range of athletes and personnel, allowing them to quickly and easily pick it up and start exercising.

  • Video recording and uploading

    Choose whether your personnel should record their sessions. If they do, you’ll see videos of each of their exercises uploaded and waiting for you after their session is complete.

telehab athlete app

Guide your personnel, step-up by step-up

Fast, intuitive and easy-to-use, the TeleHab app walks your personnel through their exercises, giving them refreshers and allowing them to upload videos for your review.

  • Assign programs instantly

    Assign an exercise program to your personnel and it appears in their TeleHab app immediately.

  • Easy-to-use interface

    The TeleHab app is designed for a broad range of personnel, allowing them to quickly and easily pick it up and start exercising.

  • Video recording and uploading

    Choose whether your personnel should record their sessions. If they do, you’ll see videos of each of their exercises uploaded and waiting for you after the session is complete.

telehab athlete app

All the tools you need.
None of the frustrations

Built with practitioners in mind, TeleHab focuses on alleviating the frustrations of traditional exercise prescription platforms. From its best-in-class interface, to the ability to have your personnel seamlessly record and upload videos of their exercises for extra visibility, TeleHab brings down the barriers to adopting exercise prescription technology in your unit.

  • Extensive exercise library

    6,000 exercises and counting

    Powerful search tools and filters

    Incredibly easy-to-use drag-and-drop program builder

    PDF program printouts

  • TeleHab personnel app

    Easy-to-use, step-by-step functionality

    Optional or mandatory video recording for improved compliance

    Exercise video previews in-app

    Engaging, easy-to-read progress reports

  • Easy and powerful reporting

    View and prioritise your personnel by pain, exercise completion and more

    Track progress and improvements over time

    Review uploaded videos of exercises for unparalleled visibility

Personalised programs

Quick to build.
Easy to monitor.

Engagement breeds compliance. Compliance breeds progress

Engagement breeds compliance. Compliance breeds progress

For the best possible outcome, it’s important to know what your personnel are doing (or not doing) when you’re not with them in order to keep them accountable. However, finding the time in your already packed schedule to check in on personnel can be a challenge, to say the least. With TeleHab, your personnel seamlessly record videos of their sessions and self-report important details, such as how many reps they completed and how much pain they felt.  So you can check in on their progress remotely, continue or regress their programs and offer additional support if they need it.

Helping you, to help them

Contact Client Success

VALD’s Client Sucess team is available to support you with:

  • System training and best practice
  • Resources and system implementation
  • Data interpretation

Contact Client Success

VALD’s Client Sucess team is available to support you with:

  • System training and best practice
  • Resources and system implementation
  • Data interpretation

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